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How do you Send a Buyer Running Out the Door - Part 3
30 July 2024

How do you send a buyer running out the door? Number three, not replacing bad shingles along with curb appeal. When buyers walk up to your house what takes up a lot of visual square footage is your shingles and even the most novice of buyers will see curled shingles and know that they need to be replaced they also associate a very high cost to that. Now as a homeowner if you have the time to do it shingles really don't cost that much to do and now the buyer can walk up to your house see brand new shingles and we can advertise new shingles getting you more money for your house.

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13 March 2025
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7 March 2025
Hey Dad, what's going on in the Winnipeg Real Estate Market right now? Hey Jessica, you know there's a lot going on in the Winnipeg Real Estate Market right now. Actually, I'll give you the statistics first on what's happening. Give it to me. February in Winnipeg houses decreased in sales over last year by 6.4% however prices increased 6%. In condos we saw sales increase 0.5 % and prices increase 7%. You know one thing that's interesting to know Jessica when we do our statistics we do it by a median value which means we kick out the lows and the highs because there was a house that sold for around $25,000 in February and one that sold for over a million so those can really kind of change how the average pricing goes so sometimes you'll see higher stats based on the mean average but I like doing it the median way, it seems a little more accurate. Yeah that makes sense. 204.925.2900
21 February 2025
How can you guarantee that your rental property is going to be a good one? Well at Judy Lindsay we have a great program called The Guaranteed Rent Program. How it works is that we will assess your property and tell you what it'll rent for and then we'll put our money where our mouth is and guarantee that rent. If we can't rent it out for what we say it's going to we're not going to charge any property management fees. This way you can get into the property, know what is going to produce as far as income and have a great investment. 204.925.2900
19 February 2025
How can you get the equity out of your house but stay in your house? Really simple is the Judy Lindsay Rent Back Program. How it works is that we'll come out to your house and assess the value and let you know what we're willing to pay for your house and also what the rent could be. This way you can stay in your house but still have your equity to use to do other things and possibly even a lower payment each month. This works great for people who are retiring, that are on a fixed income and have a lot of equity in their house or people that have equity in their house and are looking at foreclosure and making afford payments there's ways we could structure that program that's going to work well for you too. The easiest thing to do is to have our Listing Specialist come out, they'll tell you all the numbers so you know up front of what it is and then it's up to you. You can choose to take the program or go on to the market as a normal listing either way we're here to help you out and make it an easy experience. 204.925.2900
13 February 2025
How do you buy a house with no down payment? Or if you're new to Canada, have a low credit score or maybe you're self-employed and don't show your full income? A great solution is Rent To Own. Now there's good ones and bad ones I feel we work with absolutely the best Rent To Own Program out there. How it works is simple. You'll go out and find the house you absolutely want to have and live in, they will rent it back to you and then when your time comes and your credit score improves or you have the down payment or you have your residency they will sell it back to you at a predetermined price and it's a very easy process all you have to do is fill out a form, takes about two or three minutes, and they'll tell you if you're approved or not as well as how much of a house you can afford. Then we'll go and shop with you as Relators representing you to find you the perfect house. So just fill out the form and that's all you need to get started and we'll help you out. 204.925.2900
4 February 2025
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30 January 2025
How do you save up the down payment as a first time home buyer? Well the government of Canada has come up with a great program to help you out with this. It's called the First Home Savings Account. It works very similar to an RRSP in that any contributions you make are tax deductible as well as funds are allowed to grow tax free within the account. You can contribute up to $8,000 per year plus you can contribute an additional $8,000. If you have made contributions in the previous year. The max amount you can contribute is $40,000 and I just believe this is just a great program to help first time home buyers on their pathway to homeownership and if you need any more help with this or details to the program give me a call anytime here at the office. I'm here to help you out.
24 December 2024
What's going to happen in the Winnipeg Real Estate Market in 2025? But first, how did our predictions do last year in 2023 with 2024 market? We were a 100% accurate. We said that interest rates would drop and they did. We said that there would be strong demand for housing and there was. We also said that there would be an increase in overall prices and there was a massive increase in overall prices. Especially compared to rest of Canada. Now going into 2025, what do we expect? Very similar results, we expect that interest rates will continue on their downward trend, we expect there to be an increase in demand for houses. Especially with a lot of those interest rates resetting for people who had low mortgages in 2020 and 2021 and we expect because all of this prices to increase again and finally from all of us at Judy Lindsay Team Realty have a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2025!
11 December 2024
What is the most common advice that agents give their clients in December and also what you should really know if you're thinking of selling your house in December but first, what happened in the Winnipeg Real Estate Market in November. In November in Winnipeg, we saw sales stay almost exactly the same over last year up .5 % and prices up a staggering 12%. In condos, we saw sales down 10.6% and prices up 7.7%. As you can see the market and Winnipeg continues to be strong because of lack of supply of houses we're seeing that really good increase in overall pricing and this is expected to continue into 2025. Now what most agents tell their clients in December is to take their houses off the market and bring them back in January where they can get a new MLS number, a 2025 MLS number, so it looks fresh to market. Now the only problem with that is that Real Estate is and always has been about supply and demand meaning that as houses come off the market there's less supply which means there's greater demand. It's really not quite as simple as that and that's why you have to work closely with your Realtor to ensure that you are going to market at the right time and the right price.
11 December 2024
These are my five non negotiables when it comes to hiring a property management company. No. 6 is having a proven system for tenant screening. Hiring a property management company that has a great screening system for tenants couldn't be more important. The quality of tenants you put in your investment really determines the quality of your investment so, hiring a company that has a system as far as background checks and credit checks to ensure you have a great tenant will certainly ensure that you have a great investment.
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