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What's going to happen in the Winnipeg Real Estate Market in 2025? But first, how did our predictions do last year in 2023 with 2024 market? We were a 100% accurate. We said that interest rates would drop and they did. We said that there would be strong demand for housing and there was. We also said that there would be an increase in overall prices and there was a massive increase in overall prices. Especially compared to rest of Canada. Now going into 2025, what do we expect? Very similar results, we expect that interest rates will continue on their downward trend, we expect there to be an increase in demand for houses. Especially with a lot of those interest rates resetting for people who had low mortgages in 2020 and 2021 and we expect because all of this prices to increase again and finally from all of us at Judy Lindsay Team Realty have a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2025!
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